Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Fabulous Belding Brothers

Today is very special episode that features the one and only appearance/mention of Rodney (the Rod) Belding. This episode premiered December 9, 1990 and in the alternate reality known as Bayside high, if the kids don't pass their midterms, they can't go on the class trip, bummer. Cue the over the top obnoxious teacher, the comedy gold otherwise known as Mr. Dickerson. The gang studies their butts off, for about five seconds, until they start experiencing group hallucinations and decide to just give up. "F,F,F, your both getting an F!"

The next day at school. Mr. Dickerson is a no show, (due to a swiftly mentioned mental breakdown) and after implementing the five minute rule, the kids are ready to leave. This is until the golden god known as Rod Belding appears in the door way. Pure sex.

Rod is totally radical and has zero respect for paper by allowing the whole class to rip up their tests and choose their own grades, the grade they think they deserve (sure Lisa, A+, whatever). Moments later, Mr. (Richard) Belding walks in and announces to the only six student who matter where the class trip will be, Yosemite Park, not noticing that none of the children are still taking the test and the shards of paper sprinkled across the floor.

Rod warns the class of Mr. B's horrible camping skills and suggests white water rafting instead, he even offers to guide them. Rod should have suggested they rob a liquor store and pocket the cash because everyone was on board before you could say mouth to mouth resuscitation.

The gang (aka Screech, the bitch) tells Mr. Belding that they'd rather go white water rafting with Rod than to Yosemite with him. Mr. Belding is obviously disappointed, in fact he is crushed and nothing makes the viewer feel for him more than that slow motion drop of the Yosemite Park brochure into the trash can. Ugh, so sad.

Rod insists the kids prepare for the trip by being shaken to death on a raft? And then he lets Zach, Kelly, Slater, and Jessie suck face in front of at least 20 other people? Weird.

It’s the night of the big trip and everyone is ready to go, the buses are ready, but Rod is no where to be found. That's because this flake is dumping thirty kids,(who could fit comfortably on one bus, but whatever) for a slut stewardess named Inga...wear a condom Rod. Zach over hears this and starts acting like a huge baby, until Mr. Belding offers to take them, even though he'll probably drown. Should of taken Rod's safety class Richie!

"Mr. Dickerson came into the teacher's lounge and started giving everyone F's, I knew he needed a vacation when he sent me to detention."

Kelly, talking about white water rafting...
"It's exciting, like a spike in volleyball!" Huh? Good analogy Kel, your one line this episode was really important to the flow of the story.

Starting with this episode, the lockers in hall have switched from red to orange.


While waiting for the bus to take them white water rafting Slater is wearing the most FABULOUS outfit EVER! Kahki short shorts and a light blue jean shirt unbuttoned down to the navel. The perfect outfit for the outdoor man, mmm.

Simply Rod Belding as a character is pretty outrageous. How are no parents questioning this guy's ability to take their children on an incredibly dangerous class trip, let alone teach them anything.

Also, Mr. Belding quickly mentions that there are only 30 students going on the trip. Either that is the smallest class of kids ever or most of the class is “slow”.

And another thing, this episode premiered during the last leg of season two, making the gang sophmores, perhaps juniors. Who ever heard of a sophmore class trip?

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