Monday, May 24, 2010

Model Students

 Today's episode originally aired Saturday November 10, 1990 and brings us to the never before seen or previously mentioned Bayside school store. The store, in which Kelly works, because as everyone knows, she's poor, is something of a geek tyranny. The three nerds who run the store have never once been spoken to or acknowledged by the crew before and because of this decide to make Kelly's life a living hell. Before you know it, the store is at risk of closing, Zack to the rescue.

First, the gang completely renovate the store, (with their own money, resources, and the schools permission) and turn it into an awesome place to shop, with neon clock backpacks. Unfortunately, there are still no customers, and they need to come up with a way to get people in there.

Zack decides that the only reasonable way to save the school store and Kelly's job is to force Screech (aka, Zack's bitch) to secretly take half naked pictures of their good friends/girlfriends during swim practice, because everyone knows if Screech is anything, it's stealth. Now things start to get good...

When the calender is done, of course it's a hit, and the girls are pissed. They go to complain to Mr. Belding, but are interrupted by probably the greatest guest star in SBTB history, Adam Trask. Because Adam spends his days staring at underage girls in swimsuits, he offers the girls an opportunity to model in a magazine. The pictures are, of course, a huge hit and now he needs one of the girls for an even bigger shoot, this time in Paris. Adam picks Kelly, total shocker, and Zack is pissed and, being the greatest boyfriend ever, makes Kelly feel super guilty for achieving her two day old dream.

Zack eventually feels bad about what he's done and, after a stern talking to from Adam, apologizes and throws Kelly a party in her huge bedroom. Seven brothers and sisters my ass.

Geek: Yeah, well, the next time you tell us to stand up, sit down, fight fight fight, we're just gonna sit there and do nothing! (Kelly's life = A living hell)

Mr. Belding doesn't recognize his own face? Ah, the people who mold the young minds of America!

How are the nerds able to decide what is sold in the school store, they have that kind of authority?

If Screech took the girls picture secretly, how are they posing?

Harriet Hippoman (Kelly's alternate on the swim team).

When the girls are posing for Adam the first time, nobody cheers for Lisa, I guess racism is a real problem at Bayside High.

Simply the dialogue provided by Adam Trask during the photo shoots is so very wrong, unsettling, disgusting... I should of stopped at disgusting.

"Kelly, be your own woman”

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