Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Driver's Education

This episode, which aired September 29, 1990, takes us back to the golden years of learning how to drive...a golf cart. The gang are turning sixteen, simultaneously, and everyone knows what that means...driver's education. Of course, Zack and Slater turn this into another opportunity for a whose dick is bigger showdown.

Zack is terrified Kelly will leave him for Slater based solely on the fact that Slater will turn sixteen before him anf therefore drive before him,(because their relationship was built on trust and understanding, not materialistic things like looks and property). Not to mention the fact that Slater's got a sexy, new (on the outside) car. So Zack decides the only way to keep his lady is to get Slater kicked out of Driver's Ed. (BRILLANT).

SIDENOTE: I don't think there is an outside in SBTB; the kids spend all of their time in the school. And they only ever eat at the Max, which must be owned by the school since they hold every event there (pep rallies, dance contest, school projects). So there talking Driver's Ed so they can drive where exactly? Think about it...

Scheme #1- Zack tells Mr. Tuttle(Drivers Ed/Choir Teacher) that Slater is basically talking shit about him and Slater thinks he should be teaching the class instead of Tuttle leading to Mr. Tuttle's best line... "Pushy,pushy,move your tushy."

Scheme #2- Zack gives Slater twenty dollars for a driving lesson after school. Then he forces Screech (aka Zack's bitch) to act like Tuttle over the phone to get Mr. Belding to get the keys for the car, the cart, whatever it is? Belding mentions he was in school on a finger painting scholarship (OK?). Zack drives the cart into the halls (WHAAAT?) and gets Slater to drive, but then Kelly jumps in, and then OH NO, the cart is totalled and Kelly has amnesia, really, nope. She's just pretending to teach Zack a lesson, again, but she sucks at life and it didn't work.

Next, one cluster fuck of a scene. First Kelly confesses to crashing the cart, then Slater ("I was in the seat, I'll take the heat!"), and then Zack, the real culprit. Kelly forgives Zack for being a jealous loser and all is right in the world, unless Kelly gets in Slater's car, then she's dead to him.


Slater: I was in the seat, I'll take the heat." Wise words.


Hey Slater a word of advice just because your car looks good on the outside doesn't mean it won't blow up the second you turn the key.


After all is said and done Kelly totally forgives Zack. The only reason any of this bullshit happened was because he didn't trust Kelly to keep her legs closed in Slater's car. Slut.

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