Thursday, July 8, 2010

Screech's Birthday

An absolute gem, this episode premiered on November 14, 1992 during season 4. It was originally shot to air during season 1, but because no one would notice the miraculous age difference, they pushed it back three years.

The gang has forgotten Screech's birthday and can't stand to see him horribly depressed and about to kill himself so they plan a post birthday bash. So where do they decide to hold this little get together? Mr. Belding's office of course! Not the Max which they have no problem leaving school to go to.

The only way to pull this off is to de-throne the evil hall monitor Neil. This kid take his jobs super seriously and is not to be messed with. So, in order to kill two birds with one nerd the gang finds a way to make Screech hall-monitor, getting rid of Neil and making Screech's party possible.

With Screech as hall monitor the gang thinks they can walk the halls freely, but little do they know, Screech takes his new responsibility seriously, hell its not like he has to go to class anymore. Screech holds a grudge and gets off on his power, even at one point imagining himself as a teenage robocop..with a laser.

The kids get Belding out of his office with a lame "help me Mr. B I'm lost at the mall" gimmick, but still have to get past Screech. Each of them gets sent to detention and are running out of time for the party. By the time Screech realizes all of this hall monitor nominating stuff was for a party, he forgives them, only leaving time for a minute long celebration in Mr. B's office. Pictures are flipped, shades a turned, balloons come out of file cabinets...its beautiful.

Best Quote:
Zack: "You can tell me, what do you really think of me?"
Hall Monitor Neil: "You're a creep"
Honesty is the best policy, remember that kids!

What The F*** Moment:
1. Screech has a fully functional robot, who they let come to school?
2. Mr. Dewey does Tai Kwon Do?

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