In this episode which premiered November 4, 1989 we find the crew in some sort of "learn how to start a business" class that is, of course, an essential part of their high school core curriculum. Each group of students gets $100 (of tax payer money) to start a business with an original idea. The gang draws a blank on what to sell until the extra curricular machine known as Lisa Turtle gives everyone Friendship Bracelets that she made in, you guessed it, the Fashion Club. Zack decides the bracelets are his ticket to GLORY, and they begin to sell like, you guessed it, colored yarn?
Zack quickly become obsessed with the mediocre success of the Friendship Bracelet industry and starts forcing Lisa and imaginary friends in the Fashion Club into slavery. But what's worse than that is he has the nerve to appoint himself president...so everyone quits, expect for Screech...Zack's bitch and Lisa.
Slater, Kelly, and Jessie branch out on their own and come up with an understated and original idea...Buddy Bands, aka Friendship Bracelets for you forehead. This leads to a spectacular home made video featuring some Academy Award winning acting from AC. Eventually, Lisa and Screech realize Zack is using them and also quit, leaving Zack up shit creek without a Buddy...Band.
In a last ditch effort to fuck over every friend he's ever had, Zack gives a new hip Buddy Band to Mr. Belding, students see this, and ask for refunds. Because everyone knows, Mr. Belding was the only thing uncool about Buddy Bands. Jessie should have known better than to make any kind of refund an option if you ask me, but eh.
At this point, both teams products are a bust, aka, a failing grade. No one wants Jessie to have a brain aneurysm, so they join forces and produce Love Cuffs, two Friendship Bracelets connected by a Buddy Band. Mr. Tuttle sees how hard everyone worked to discover the true meaning of friendship (slavery, dictatorship, abandonment) and gives everyone an A. Phew, that was a close one.
Eww, Think About It:
Slater: "We tried to beat Zack, but we ended up beating ourselves."
Best Quote:
Slater: "I wouldn't beg you to spit if my eyebrows were on fire."
Max: "How about four friends, with a Screech on the side?" Mmm, delicious.
Hmmm, I Wonder...:
When Slater, Kelly, and Jessie leave to form Buddy Bands, Lisa,(and I'm guessing the rest of the Fashion Club) is still with Zack making Friendship Bracelets. So who made all those Buddy Bands? Hmmm, I wonder.
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