OK so I'm jumping a little ahead of myself but this episode is pure gold and one that features a classic lip-syncing performance by the Bayside Choir and premiered November 28, 1992. As the end of the Zack's (second) senior year comes to a close, he fears he will only be remembered for being a sneaky son of a bitch. In order to rectify years of lying and cheating, he decides to pen Bayside's new school song/senior gift, the ultimate baptism.
Everyone and their mother enters the competition, nerds, jocks, men, women, and whatever the hell Tori is? Zack isn't so confident his song will win, so in order win he begins sabotaging his friends songs. What? Wasn't this song supposed to help change his reputation as a slim-ball, kind of a contradiction Zack?
Everything goes to plan, but Zack underestimates the pure talent of Samuel "Screech" Powers and assuming he'll sink himself, let's Screech perform sabotage free. Screech kills it, assuming blatant plagiarism isn't terms for disqualification and him and Zack tie. SING OFF!
The choir learns both songs, but not before completely changing Screech's version and drugging Zach with some cocktail Slater learned to mix in prison, because I want my children learning that an eye for an eye is always the best policy. Zach learns his lesson and gets to sing with choir. Phew.
Bayside Glee Club:
It seems like only yesterday we started, but soon we'll put away our books and pens. We'll all go on with our lives once we've parted, But how can we say farewell to all our friends?
The double dates, the parties, and the dances, Crammin' for a midterm until 3.
The football games, the Max, and the romances, soon Bayside will be just a memory.
Our 4 years here have all become unraveled, and so our high school story finally ends. But years from now, no matter where we've traveled, we'll all look back and think about our friends.
CLASSIC!But shouldn't you look back and think about your SCHOOL? It was the SCHOOL song!
Did You Know:
This was officially the last episode of SBTB ever shot. You can see the tears in Dustin Diamonds eyes. Pussy.
The school song they write for this episode is sung in the later show, Saved by the Bell: The New Class.
OK, well first of all... I love that you refer to writing a new school song as a sacrament. As we all are well aware, SBTB is truely a religious experience. And maybe prison is where Slater learned all of this excellent ballerina skills, along with mixing sabotage concoctions and making grilled cheese on the radiator.